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  • 18:19, 3 June 2024The interest rate is the continuous "own rate" of inflation (hist | edit) ‎[1,545 bytes]Derekmc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In chapter 17 of keynes' general theory, various ideas of interest are discussed. In particular, he uses a concept of the "own rate". This is the interest of any good or service, denominated in that same unit. So the own rate for apples, is how many apples you have to sell today to lock in a futures contract for some fixed amount of apples at a future date. Like many rates, this "own rate" relates to other rates, such as interest or inflation, in specific ways. While...")
  • 20:29, 28 March 2024Maximizing Total Wealth Implies that the return of the Marginal Investment is Negative (hist | edit) ‎[1,557 bytes]Derekmc (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Suppose you have ''k'' possible assets to invest in. For the sake of this argument, we will make two assumptions. First that each investment has a different default rate ''r'' of appreciation. Secondly we will assume that each investment has a limited capacity. Once the limit is reached, it is not possible to invest more. For this specific example consider 10 investment assets, that range in returns from -3% to +7%. We will assume that each has a capacity of $200 mi...")