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== Recent Articles ==
== Media and Links ==
* [[The Currency Talk | "The Currency Talk"]]
* Technical Essay: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSPJYPkkUUrka0yM77MiaQ4KbzdHGgInqGqZ97yr8oBZX2ql-041XXRx7yWVQ2pIxe1PP8JM0aKCoKi/pub The Yield on Bonds is Relative Devaluation of Cash]
* [[The Gambler's Half Life | "The Gambler's Half Life"]]
* AppliedMMT Podcast Episode: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WyjeQyn5RRkTozQ-qNzbQUgf6AeoiDSh/view?usp=drivesdk Mirrored]
* Original Podcast Link: [https://podcast.appliedmmt.com/2117653/14356065-22-conversation-with-derek-mcdaniel Conversation on AppliedMMT podcast]

== Book ==
== Rate Disparity Book ==
[[Rate Disparity Book]]
* Pdf Download: [https://ratedisparity.com/pdf/ratedisparitybook_may25_2024.pdf Rate Disparity(May 2024)]
* Online Version: [[Rate Disparity Book|Read Here Online]]
* Ebook: [https://www.amazon.com/Rate-Disparity-Interest-Rates-Differ-ebook/dp/B0CN4BMRH5 Kindle Version]

== Personal project site ==
== Economics Articles ==

* [[The Gambler's Half Life]]
* [[The Currency Talk]]
* [[Math You Should Definitely Know About To Study Economics]]
* [[When to actually use Supply and Demand, and when Not To]]
* [[Should we expect consensus in economics? Probably more than we have now.]]
* [[Should the fed pick winners and losers? They can't not.]]
== Draft Articles ==
* [[The interest rate is the continuous "own rate" of inflation]]
* [[Maximizing Total Wealth Implies that the return of the Marginal Investment is Negative]]
* [[A mathematical proof that negative interest rate policy can neutralize any instance of inflation in nominal terms]]
* [[Hot and Cold Assets and Money Demonstrate Divergent Yet Stable Relative Value Paths]]
* [[What is a Post Monetarist Economy|What is a Post Monetarist Economy?]]
* [[Linear Programming is thinking inside the box to understand resource trade offs]]
* [[Real Currency/Bond Yields and Fiscal Space]]
* [[Complementary Assets]]
* [[Apathy is more harmful than ignorance]]
* [[Discounting Across Space and Time]]
* [[Heterodox Academic Engagement, Lessons from the Mathematics Discipline on Conceptual Models]]
* [[The Missing Term in The Budget Constraint: Public Equity]]
* [[Asymptotic Analysis and Limits to Growth]]
== Programming Website ==
[https://derekmc.gitlab.io derekmc.gitlab.io]
[https://derekmc.gitlab.io derekmc.gitlab.io]
== Random Articles ==
* [[How to Make Money Online]]
* [[How to learn to unicycle]]
* [[How to write a book using a wiki]]
[https://ratedisparity.com/wiki2/index.php?title=Rate_Disparity&action=edit Edit]

Latest revision as of 09:18, 5 March 2025